Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I know that a lot of you have been asking to see some of my extensive antique fabric collection. So I have listened and am uploading a few of my favorites.  I have also decided to list a few for sale through my Ebay store Fabric Diva antique/vintage fabrics.  We will see if you are all satisfied with how it works and if not we will adjust our efforts.  Please let me know what you are looking for?  We will start with early-late 19th century French textiles.
Above is a photo of a small area of the first antique fabric I ever purchased in NYC.  I then later went on to reproduce the design as a new print.  It too was our very best seller and has sold over one million yards and has run for over 19 years.  It is only now just being retired and we have only about 60 yards left.  It can be seen in our Ebay store or on our website:www.americanfolkandfabric.com

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